The book “Fragments of Ancient India” comprises one of the most complex approach to eastern philosophies – it is the issue of most adequate reception of philosophical heritage of India. This matter had a focal position in all previous pursuits of methodological questions of approach, reception and comparison of philosophical circles of the West and the East by the author. Therefore this book, titled “Fragments of Ancient India”, outlines author’s focusing on bringing this issues face to face who then reached for comprehensive studies into Vedic and Upanishadic contemplative heritage and displayed it, interpreted and commented on it from the point of a western philosophy subject, a subject provided, in the very studies, as well as in Anthology of selected texts from Vedas and Upanishads, with this particular, appropriate reception of this contemplative heritage. Among numerous studies into the reception issues, the author reached in this book into the reception, interpretation and proper bringing a western reader closer to Indian philosophical heritage, at the very roots of its origin. The book was published with the support of the Croatian Ministry of Culture.