The century in which the feeling of jeopardy and anxiety of man grew even stronger is closing behind us. If we consider the heritage of the past poets, their yearning for the unusual, the perverted and the abnormal seems like child play. And it is understandably so. The reality has transformed the world into physical and metaphysical graveyard, and people into refugees who, in the hostile foreign parts, have had to relinquish their memories of homeland, language, rituals and dreams. It is no wonder that in the world of refugees artificial worlds have taken over, worlds to which we headed recklessly assisted by drugs or information networks. The feeling of jeopardy and anxiety in human hearts inspires the need for salvation. The past century has offered up a whole series of saviours and heralds of good fortune. Those who were genuine were pushed to the edge of social consciousness and power, while the others, the false prophets, have wholeheartedly maimed the souls, minds and bodies of individuals, tribes, nations. The foretelling of the end lingers on – as well as the salvation game, which is the main topic of this extraordinary poetry collection.