The Seven is a philosophical book by the author, prof.dr. Marko Uršič, written in four literary genres (dialogues, glossa, essays, sonnets) and following the seven-fold rhythm of days in a week and the four-fold rhythm of lunar phases. The composition of this book is mathematically based on a harmonic sequence of four parts, with seven meditations each, and it takes the reader into a restored philosophical guiding principle of eternal thought- and art-forms of the spirit. The main topical concepts of The Seven are Platonism (Plato) in seven discourses of the main characters – a “countryside cosmopolitan” – a handyman Bruno, a secretive Angel – his nocturnal guest – and renaissance humanism by Michele de Montaigne where the author, through seven essays, correlates to Montaigne’s ideas and further develops them both in personal and contemporary contemplative spirit. He claims Plato and Montaigne have much more in common, specially the philosophy as love for wisdom, the search for the eternal and the unceasing in the “river of time”. Such open and “polyphonic” thinking – philosophy as the path to comprehension and as the “patron of questions” to which there is never the ultimate answer, is author’s philosophical credo.